My collecting focus has changed and I am offering for sale my small Scioto/Ohio Tool collection. All of these tools are in "as found" condition except for a very basic cleaning no attempt has been made at restoration

1. The Auburn blade lot has 3 blades with chip breakers and 1 without the chip breaker, all are rusty; all for $25.00.
2. The Ohio blade lot has 4 blades with chip breakers, all are rusty; all for $30.00.
3. Next is a lot of 3 Ohio blades without chip breakers, all are rusty; all for $15.00.
4. This is a No.6 Ohio metallic Jack/Jointer plane, it has been cleaned but not tuned. I believe this could be a great user or collector, $75.00.
5. This is a lot of 5 Scioto woodbodies, 26" jointer $ 35.00, 3 - 16" jacks $25.00 each and an 8 1/2" smoother $20.00; or all 5 for $110.00.
Should anyone be interested, I will sell the entire listing for $225.00. Shipping will be determined at the time of sale. Whenever possible I try to use USPS Flat Rate Shipping, if this is not possible I use UPS.
I can provide additional pictures if you would like them. Thanks for looking.
Can you post up some more pics of the 06 plane?